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Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem - Kommende Patch Notes und Fixes

WOLCEN Studio gibt die kommenden Änderungen und Verbesserungen für Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem bekannt. Die Updates werden voraussichtlich am Morgen des 20. Februar in das Spiel implementiert.

Die vollständigen Patch Notes sind über diesen Link abrufbar: https://steamcommunity.com/games/424370/announcements/detail/3241965989316412073

First of all, we want to thank you for your patience. It has been a rocky launch and we clearly weren’t expecting that much passion for Wolcen.

We know that the connection issues and bugs you currently encounter are frustrating and prevent you from fully appreciating the game, and we want to assure you that we’re doing our best to resolve all these problems as fast as possible.

However, following the situation that occurred last Friday with the data loss, we now know that we can’t continue to apply hotfix the way we’ve always done so far. We have to coordinate with our partners to monitor the situation and make sure that we won’t encounter any major database issues.

Since there are higher chances that such issues occur when a lot of players try to join the servers at once, we had to take two temporary measures:

- The server capacities are currently limited to a certain amount of concurrent players.
- We can only perform one hotfix per week and we need to coordinate with our partners to apply it.

The situation will be improved, we’re currently in the process of upgrading our servers infrastructure. The next hotfix will already bring some enhancements that will allow us to increase the limit of concurrent players, and we will continue to increase it if we notice improvements.

Our team is also working on the various issues spotted since the release, including critical ones. Here is the patch note for the hotfix that will be applied this week.

We would also like to inform you that we will fix the gold/item dupe issues. Actions will also be taken against accounts who abused these issues or took advantage of it. We recommend you don't accept trading from other players passing a massive amount of golds to you to avoid sanctions.

* Resolve "Checking Game version" crash occurring after using the Forge in Champion of Stormfall game mode
* Item looting issue (click on item) will be fixed
* Crafting bugs will be fixed
* Fixed an issue in Offline Mode where Chinese and Russian players were losing their characters
* Korean translation is coming
* Several quest blockers (invulnerable bosses) have been fixed
* Lots of balancing done
* Fixed bugs with various creatures and quests
* Several typo corrections in the localization

* Fixing maps and incense not leading to the correct areas
* Resolved the soft lock preventing players from reaching Helmshire
* Resolved two soft locks preventing players from entering the Monolith
* Improved Zima's interactions to avoid a soft lock
* Improve global experience in quest transitions

We would like to thank all our players for helping us make this huge and complex game even better.

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News vom: 18.02.2020
Kategorie: Indie
Quelle: Pressemitteilung
Autor dieser News: Stefan.Heppert
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