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Those Who Remain (PS4)
Hier klicken, um das Cover von Those Who Remain (PS4) zu vergrößern Those Who Remain is an up close, psychological horror story set in the sleepy town of Dormont. Whispers of disappearances carry through the town. Edward, a man who had the perfect life and was lured into darkness, must now confront uncomfortable horrors , reflected by the dark, to survive the night of Dormont.


Navigate and survive the encroaching darkness and stay in the protection of the light by any means.

Pave your way ahead by moving between Dormont and its dark otherworldly counterpart to further solve the mysteries held within the dark.

Choose to help any surviving citizens of Dormont you encounter or leave them to the darkness. Innocence cannot always be assumed, and the township of Dormont hides a cursed trove of secrets.

Keep your sanity in check as you delve deeper into the darkness of Dormont -expected rules of the real world have been torn apart.

Your decisions and choices will determine the fate of Edward, through multiple different branching outcomes

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 10.07.2020
Preis Deutschland: 19,00 €
Kategorie: PS4
Hits: 916
Hersteller: © 2020 Wired Productions

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