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Deliver Us The Moon (PS4)
Hier klicken, um das Cover von Deliver Us The Moon (PS4) zu vergrößern Deliver Us The Moon is a space exploration game; where Earth has been drained of resources and the Moon has been colonized with a promising source of energy. After all comms fall silent, you're sent on one final mission to investigate what happened, and to save the human race.>p>Features:

Narrative driven gameplay, observe the ruins of your environment while listening to audio logs of the final times of the crew.

Hazardous environments bring suspense during your mission. With oxygen tanks running out and the never-ending void of Space staring you down, staying alive won't be so easy

Overcome obstacles and dangers blocking your path by utilizing various tools in intricate puzzles

Explore the moon in weightless, anti-gravity exploration on both foot, rover and monorail.

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 31.03.2020
Preis Deutschland: 29,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 34,00 sFr
Kategorie: PS4
Hits: 818
Hersteller: © 2020 Wired Productions

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