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SpellForce III Reforced (Xbox One)
Hier klicken, um das Cover von SpellForce III Reforced (Xbox One) zu vergrößern
  • Innovative Mix: Unique gameplay blending RTS and RPG naturally together
  • Streamlined for consoles: Intuitive gamepad integration and tailor-made UI to smoothly control a strategy/RPG mix with complex mechanics
  • Create & Customize: Create your own hero and choose between distinct skill trees
  • Choose your side: Strengthen and command one of three factions - Elves, Orcs and Humans. Prepare your troops and fight the mother of all battles. Play strategically, taking advantage of terrain, troop formations, visibility, scouting, etc.
  • Experience an epic tale: Enjoy a fully-voiced 30+ hour campaign on your own or with friends in the campaign coop mode. Face opponents of all skills in the online battles

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 08.03.2022
Preis Deutschland: 36,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 42,00 sFr
Kategorie: Xbox One
Hits: 1242
Hersteller: © 2022 THQ Nordic

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