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Way of the Samurai 4 [PS3]
The Bakumatsu period is chaotic, but also full of opportunities. Become a Samurai in this period and see how you make a name for yourself in the harbor town. The mixture of old Japanese and western cultures make this a colorful and lively place. However, prosperity isn't the only thing, there are a lot of struggles - the nationalists wants to clear the land of western influences while the Bakufu supports the opening up of the country, thinking Japan is falling behind of the times. Another type of person just seeks to make the best out of the circumstances.

The fate of this town depends on which camp you join and how you interact with the people directly affects the facilities you can access. You can help people build schools or open shops, so that you can enjoy the services they provide later, or you can become a criminal and intimate the people, then the town becomes a center of crime.

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.10.2012
Preis Deutschland: 49,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 65,00 sFr
Kategorie: PS3
Hits: 2350
Hersteller: © 2012 NIS America
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