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Beyblade: Metal Masters - Nightmare Rex [DS]
Hier klicken, um das Cover von Beyblade: Metal Masters - Nightmare Rex [DS] zu vergrößern Beyblade is a Japanese TV and Manga series about several school kids who battle their classmates and other rivals with a customisable spinning toy, also sold seperately by Hasbro. While the spinning game in reality lets the player win, whose “Beyblade” spins the longer time, the video game will let the player control the “Beyblade” and attack the opponent’s one with special moves that also appear in the TV series and Manga.Single players can compete rivals in “Arcade” (Story), “Practice”, “Survival” and “Mission” (over a 100 missions) modes. Here they unlock 100s of new parts through progress and customise their own “Beyblades”, set different special attacks and save up to 3 different own creations. In the local 2-player mode they can compete friends with their uniquely designed spins. The retail toy will also have codes to unlock their virtual counterpart in the game and use these parts.In the battles the player tries to hit the other spin with his “Beyblade’s” special moves and either kick this out of the arena or reduce it’s stamina til it’s breaking down while trying to defend the own.

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 24.11.2011
Preis Deutschland: 39,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 49,00 sFr
Kategorie: Nintendo DS
Hits: 891
Hersteller: © 2011 Konami

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