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Death end re;Quest 2 (PS4)
Hier klicken, um das Cover von Death end re;Quest 2 (PS4) zu vergrößern Overkill Brings Huge Rewards - The Overkill system is an added feature where characters can stack damage beyond the health of an enemy for bonus experience! Try to inflict as much damage to all the monsters for bigger rewards.;Beware of the Berserker - During dungeon exploration and battle, a faceless, black figure will appear out of nowhere. The figure will also display an area of attack once it appears. Mai and her squad must step away from the Berserker's area of attack, as it will instantly kill anyone with one single blow. Run away from the Berserker in the dungeon or defeat all the existing monsters in the battlefield to escape!;Day n' Night - Mai will need to explore the town of Le Choara during the day and speak with the townspeople to find out clues as to where her sister is. By night, Mai will fight her way through dark creatures stylized in a turn-based RPG. Experience the story through the lens of a visual novel during the day and battle it out against horrific creatures by night!;Don't Call it a Knockback - The Knockback system is back in Death end re;Quest 2, but this time, Mai and her squad can smack Shadow Matter even harder! Combo your attacks by flinging monsters to other party members!

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.08.2020
Preis Deutschland: 58,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 64,00 sFr
Kategorie: PS4
Hits: 630
Hersteller: © 2020 Idea Factory International

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