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Neptunia Virtual Stars (PS4)
Hier klicken, um das Cover von Neptunia Virtual Stars (PS4) zu vergrößern In a dimension called Virtualand, the virtual planets that exist within it contain an extraordinary ability to produce a commodity known as content. Of these celestial bodies is a tranquil planet known as EMO. This was the latest target of a nefarious group whose sole purpose is to destroy content created by virtual planets... Anti. Their decimation of EMO has left its citizens hopeless. Just then, VTubers, popular live-streamers from Earth, were suddenly transported to Virtualand. Because VTubers possess an affinity for creating good content, they were obvious targets for Anti, who quickly captured them and turned them into data pockets known as V Cubes. Fair, the Virtual Goddess and leader of Planet EMO, sent out a distress signal to multiple dimensions in the hopes of a miracle. Two groups received the signal - the rising VTuber stars, Mi and Yu, members of MEWTRAL, as well as the Goddesses of Gamindustri: Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert. Both parties, now entering unfamiliar terrain, decide to team up to duke it out against Anti! Can they band together and save planet EMO from complete destruction?

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Dieser Titel ist bereits erschienen und im Handel erhältlich!
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.03.2021
Preis Deutschland: 46,00 €
Preis Schweiz: 59,00 sFr
Kategorie: PS4
Hits: 1047
Hersteller: © 2021 Idea Factory

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